The COMMANDOS have set the date for their annual Lift-A-Thon. This year will be the 23rd consecutive COMMANDO Lift-A-Thon and will take place on March 21st. At Hendersonville’s Lift-A-Thon, the team will perform the lifts of Power Clean as well as Bench on the night of the event. Their other two main lifts (Incline and Squat) will be done prior to the night of the Lift-A-Thon. Players will receive trophies for having the top squat, bench, power clean, and incline at the end of the night as well as the top lifter which is based on a power ratio of total pounds lifted as well as body weight of the player. The event will be in the Steven Chaussey football fieldhouse (or possibly the stadium if weather permits) and will begin at 5:30 with upcoming freshman lifting followed by the varsity lifting at 6:30. It is free to attend and we would like to invite all COMMANDO fans out to support our players during this. This is a fund raiser for our team and you can donate to any current player. Also the player with the most people present on March 21 to watch them lift will receive an award. We look forward to seeing you there on March 21!!
Donations can be made at: